Shareholders Number of shares % of share capital Number of votes % of voting rights
Eagle Football Holdings Bidco 154,232,133 87.69% 154,232,133 93.84%
Holnest 4,243,206 2.41% 4,243,206 2.58%
Treasury shares 12,032,251 6.84% 0 0.00%
Free float 5,365,881 3.05% 5,882,719 3.58%
TOTAL 175,873,471 100.00% 164,358,058 100.00%

What is the date of the next Shareholders' Meeting?

The Shareholders' Meeting to approve the 2022/23 financial statements will be held at 11am on 11 December 2023 at 10, avenue Simone Veil, 69150 Décines-Charpieu

How can I take part in the Shareholders Meeting?

You must hold at least one Eagle Football Group share (formerly OL Groupe). To participate in or be represented at Shareholders' Meetings, you must provide proof of your status as a shareholder in the form of an account registration no later than the second business day prior to the date of the Shareholders' Meeting (Article R. 22-10-28 of the French Commercial Code), i.e. Thursday 7 December 2023, midnight Paris time, either in the registered share accounts held by the Company (or its agent), or in the bearer share accounts held by the authorized intermediary.

The Company strongly suggests that shareholders send all requests and documents concerning relations between the Company and its shareholders by email to the following address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting in person must request an admission card as follows:

For registered shareholders: each shareholder may download a voting form from the Company's website or obtain one upon request from the Company's registered office or from CIC. They should fill out the form, indicating that they wish to attend the Shareholders' Meeting and be issued with an admission card, then sign and return it to CIC, Service Assemblées, 6 avenue de Provence, 75452 Paris Cedex 9, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or present themselves directly to the specially designated booth on the day of the Shareholders' Meeting together with proof of their identity.

For bearer shareholders: ask the authorized financial intermediary who manages their securities account to request that an admission card be sent to them.

  • Shareholders not attending the Shareholders' Meeting in person may choose between one of the following three options:

1) voting by mail;

2) giving a proxy to the Chairman of the Shareholders' Meeting;

3) giving a proxy to another shareholder, their spouse or their partner in a civil partnership or any other natural or legal person of their choosing.

To be able to use one of the three options presented above, shareholders must complete the following formalities:

For registered shareholders: download the single vote-by-post/vote-by-proxy form ( from the Company's website ( form can also be obtained upon request from the head office of the Company or CIC at the following address: CIC, Service Assemblées, 6 avenue de Provence, 75452 Paris Cedex 9. An e-mail should also be sent to one of the following addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

For bearer shareholders: after receiving the invitation to the Shareholders' Meeting, request the single vote-by-post/vote-by-proxy form to the authorized intermediary who manages their securities account. They should be aware that all requests for a voting form must be received by CIC Service Assemblées, 6 avenue de Provence, 75452 Paris Cedex 9 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than six days before the date of the Shareholders' Meeting (Article R.225-75 of the French Commercial Code), i.e. Tuesday 5 December 2023.

Vote-by-post/vote-by-proxy forms, duly signed and completed (accompanied by a share ownership certificate for bearer shareholders) will be taken into consideration only if they are received by CIC, Service Assemblées, 6 avenue de Provence, 75452 Paris Cedex 9 or, by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than three days before the Shareholders' Meeting (Article R.225-77 of the French Commercial Code), i.e. Friday 8 December 2023.

The proxy given for the Shareholders' Meeting is valid for any subsequent general meetings convened with the same agenda and may be revoked in the same way as for the appointment of the proxy.

For this Shareholders' Meeting, no provision has been made for shareholders to vote on the Company's website or to submit written questions via that channel.

A shareholder who has voted by post cannot then be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting via a proxy vote.

All shareholders have the right to put questions in writing until the fourth business day preceding the date of the Shareholders' Meeting, i.e. Tuesday 5 December 2023 (article R. 225-84 of the French Commercial Code). Questions should be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to Eagle Football Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors, 10, avenue Simone Veil - 69150 Décines Charpieu (Rhône).

In addition, the documents to be submitted to the Shareholders' Meeting, together with the other information and documents required under Article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code, are available on the Company's website, in the Shareholders' Meeting Documents section (

The formalities to be completed before attending the Shareholders' Meeting and the voting procedures are set out in detail in the notice of meeting published in the " Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires" (BALO) no. 139 of 20 November 2023 ( novembre-2023.pdf).

How can I become an Eagle Football Group shareholder?

You can buy shares through a traditional financial intermediary, such as your bank or asset manager. You can also execute orders directly with an online broker after opening an account.
Eagle Football Group (formerly OL Groupe) shares are listed on Euronext Paris, compartment C. The ISIN code for Eagle Football Group shares is FR0010428771.

How can I receive regular information about the Group?

You can put your name on the mailing list (see contact page)

Eagle Football Group (formerly OL Groupe)
Groupama Stadium
10 Avenue Simone Veil
CS 70712
69153 Décines cedex

Telephone: +33 (0)4 81 07 55 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 81 07 45 65

ISIN code FR0010428771
Ticker EFG
Bloomberg EFG FP
Reuters EFG.PA
Stock market Euronext Paris - Segment C
ICB 40501030 Recreational services
Index CAC Allshares, CAC Consumer Discretionary
Number of shares as of 29/02/24 175,873,471 shares
Market capitalisation as of 29/02/24 €387m
Liquidity contract Kepler Cheuvreux
Equity analysts Kepler Cheuvreux, Berenberg


Financial communication
Tel: +33 4 81 07 55 00
Fax: +33 4 81 07 45 65
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.